How to contribute to the development of the toolΒΆ

All the community is encouraged to collaborate to the maintenance and development of OSeMOSYS by proposing code modifications, enhancements and extensions. The proposers may want to have the modifications reviewed by experts and included in a bi-annual peer-reviewed publication on the status of development of OSeMOSYS. In such case, they shall submit a related OSeMOSYS Enhancement Proposal (OEP) on the OSeMOSYS GitHub Repository following the instructions below:

  • Sign in or sign up to GitHub and create a new OEP using the GitHub Issue tracker in the OSeMOSYS GitHub repository.

  • Fill in the OEP following the the template provided here

    • Give a short (250 words) description of what you are proposing for the OSeMOSYS formulation;

    • Describe the rational for the proposed change in the OSeMOSYS code, keeping in mind that changes to the main OSeMOSYS formulation should provide value to the wider OSeMOSYS community;

    • Provide a detailed description of proposed changes, to inform on how the OSeMOSYS formulation will be affected; this should include details on:

      1. addition, removal or changes of sets, parameters;
      2. addition, removal or changes of equations;
      3. addition, remove or changes of constraints.

OEPs can then be discussed with the administrators of the OSeMOSYS organisation, and representatives of the OSeMOSYS Steering Committee in order to be either approved, rejected, or changes requested, following a peer-review process.

If an OEP is accepted, then the developers can submit a pull request in the repository of their chosen implementation linking back to the original OEP. The pull request will then be reviewed by the admins. The submission will also require additions to the main documentation.

For further information, please refer to the contacts provided on the OSeMOSYS website.